A handful of people from our church just attended a Bill Johnson healing school in Malmö last week. I wanted to go, but this is such a busy month in my B & B that I am spending hours a day making beds and doing laundry, so I just couldn't get away. But I almost regretted my choice yesterday in church as the group shared their excitement about what God did. My usually laid-back friends were shouting and jumping with excitement as they had seen cartledge in knee caps formed, injuries healed etc. God is good and it seemed that they had managed to tap into an extra surge of His goodness at that conference. It made me hungry for more and encouraged me to press on in my own pitiful but determined quest to flow in healing.
Apparently the rings from that conference are spreading in the water. This is a translated blog from a famous Swedish singer who has thousands of blog followers. This is what she experienced on the train Saturday:
"Sitting on the train headed home to Stockholm something very strange just happened in the seats right behind me!!
A young guy is sitting next to an elderly woman and I can't help eavesdropping as he talks about his strong faith in God. Excitedly he describes how he really feels that God lives in him and how much God loves everyone. The lady tells him about her life, mostly about the intense pain in her shoulders. They hurt so much that she can't even blowdry her hair. Suddenly the guy asks if he can pray for the lady?
She says yes - but I can hear a bit of apprehension in her voice....
Then he lays his hands on her shoulders and starts praying.
He prays that she would know His love and that the pain in her shoulders would go away.
When he is done he asks her if she feels any differently?
"NOW you mean?" asks the lady, somewhat apprehensive.
"Yes" he replies "Try to lift your hands up in the air right now"
She does and now the strange thing happens. She lifts her hands high above her head and does not really seem to grasp how she did it. "I haven't been able to lift my arms this high for years" she says.
I don't want to sit there and stare but I must admit that I was very fascinated by the whole scenario that took place right before my eyes.
A little while later the guy got up and offered everyone in that traincar who felt sick or had any kind of pain to pray for them. He said that his hands were tingling and that seemed to be the sign from God that someone else in that train car needed help.
Apparently nobody was ill in this train car. Or perhaps it was just because they did not dare or want to..... we are a little bit scared of anything "Christian" in this country ... aren't we?
If he had offered that on a train in the US there would have probably been many lining up hoping for a miracle! We Swedes are too cowardly to even dare try I think. If I had suffered from something I would have let him pray for me! What have you got to lose I am thinking.... It was a really nice prayer that he prayed, and he didn't talk in tongues or get hysterical like you see them do sometimes on TV. You know, they push on peoples' heads and scream so loud that people get pushed over and fall. I would NOT have gone for testing that!!
But this guy was easygoing, happy, positive and had a strong faith that he could heal people (and it was actually proved that he could!) ... he just wanted to reach out a hand on that train car to see if anyone would take it.
The little old lady was brave enough, but nobody else.
So my question is - what would you have done?!
Do you believe that miracles can actually happen?"
I Solvej am most encouraged by this story from a lady who just happened to be on that train and report on how natural the supernatural can be. It encourages me to keep praying for the sick no matter how low my "battering average" of actual healings is. I really am a chicken in that department. It is easy to pray for people who come for prayer on Sundays after church, but it is entirely different to reach out and volunteer to pray when talking to a stranger or non-Christian friend.
I did do it on the rainy sidewalk on our quiet street a few months back when a neighbour told me about a broken shoulder that just wouldn't heal up. I swallowed a toad (Danish figure of speech) and asked if I could pray for her right there. She said yes, so I did and then there was a bit of an awquard silence and we went our separate ways after some small talk. I said to God that since I had finally gotten with it He could have done something --- a visible healing or even a ray of sun shining on her head. But the sidewalk remained grey that day and I felt stupid and a bit disappointed. Well last week she told me that this prayer had meant a lot to her. She wasn't healed but she said that the blessing I had prayed over her that day had made a difference and all through the different treatments and sick time she had felt the strength of not being alone. That was so encouraging to hear from her, because the enemy had of course used her "silence" to tell me that I was no good at praying for the sick and should lie low in that department and move in other gifts. But this story of a friend who was NOT healed but encouraged and this wild story from an ordinary train on an ordinary day in Sweden encourages me to keep at it. God is awesome and able to heal! In planes, trains and automobiles .... and on grey sidewalks outside my house.
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