Tuesday, March 11, 2008

I fredags havde vi dejligt besøg i menigheden af et profetisk team fra USA. Vi fik lov til at tage dem og os selv ned til Roskilde Frikirkes lokaler, så kunne vi også hænge lidt ud med dem samtidig, det er jo dejligt at have søskene lige om hjørnet.

Siden teamet var her er der et par stykker der har spurgt mig, hvordan de bedst kan bruge det profetiske ord, de modtog og hvordan de forholder sig til det, de evt. ikke helt forstår. Som vi altid siger i Vineyard, man skal kun tage skoen på, hvis den passer, man skal altid veje et ord og ikke bare sluge det hele råt, man bør mærke efter, om det giver genklang i hjertet. Kim og Mary som ledte teamet har eftersendt nedenstående gode "opskrift på efterbehandling af profeti" som jeg hermed giver videre:


1) Realize that it is only a starting point for you to seek God further....it's like God giving you a pat on the back, and you still need to pursue God for further clarification of what all God is wanting to say to you. Search scripture, stay in prayer and let God unfold more. We are to be led by the Spirit, not by the prophet, although God uses prophecy as a piece of the puzzle to encourage us forward.

2) Recognize that any destiny implied in a prophetic word still requires following Biblical principles, aligning yourself up to God's word and ways, and obedience in order to be fulfilled. A word stating that you are a "pillar in the Kingdom of God, or are to be an elder in His household," all require faithfulness to God's principles, preparation and truths. Also, while the fulfillment of the "word" may sound soon, time is always a fluid factor when it comes to God. "Soon" can mean years or even decades in God's time line.

3) Realize that often God gives a word of destiny so that you have something to hang on to when the path seems vision-less or obscured by trials or testing. (See the life of Joseph) which may all come way down the road.

4) Don't try to self fulfill your word. Just continue to be faithful to the things God is directing you to do by His Spirit...get prepared where necessary,....and if the word is true, it will come to pass as you obey each step before you. It is a true Biblical principle that becoming faithful and obedient in the little things, will eventually open the doors for you to be given responsibility over much more..... usually requiring time to prove this out.

5) The prophetic needs to be pastored. While scripture is clear that the apostolic and prophetic lay foundations, the giftings are designed to work together and one gift is not over the other. The prophetic word, does not trump your pastor's responsibility to "care for you soul" as mentioned in Hebrews 13. Remember, the pastor is also trying to hear what God is saying for your life.....so, don't discount their counsel.

6) Remember, when it comes to a "word" from God.... according to scripture, we only hear in part and prophecy in part.... A "word" is never meant to replace your own seeking of God. Be careful how you interpret the "word" since our own grid work, experiences (both good and bad), wants and desires and frames of reference can distort what God is trying to say. The Bible, the whole counsel of God, is our final authority in interpretation.

7) The prophetic often presents the desire of the Lord for us to succeed in the future, without revealing the exact application. In addition, don't expect to become a "manager" over other's affairs, if you've never learned to properly steward your own.

8) Let grace and love prevail....assume the best. Love covers a multitude....

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